Tyrian Rwby

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Tyrian Callows is a major antagonist of the American animated webseries RWBY. He is a serial killer and a member of Salem's Faction.

Ever since the episode Tipping Point was released, people have been scrambling to think of a reason why Tyrian found an interest in Jaune. Various theories from the scorpion Faunus noticing Jaune as a hero of Arc, to enjoying the fierce look the young Hunter gave him try to explain the phenomenon. However, I’d like to throw my theory into the ring, no matter how crazy it may seem.It’s clear that ever since the first episode of Volume 1, there has been an incredible amount of attention put into the details of Remnant, from the character names, designs, weapons, events, etc.

Everything seems to have a purpose and reason for being there. This is especially true to the previous Volume, where majority of the fandom was shook by the death of Pyrrha Nikos.Despite her death, her impact is still felt in Volume 4. Primary examples of this include how Pyrrha’s voice can be heard in Ruby’s dreams, how Jaune sneaks away at night to train with her videos, and the new upgrades to Jaune’s weapons in homage to his fallen friend. But, I say that it doesn’t stop there. My theory is that upon her death, Pyrrha’s Aura fused with Jaune’s, and it was Pyrrha’s presence within Jaune that Tyrian sensed, peaking his interest.Evidence for this begins as far back as Volume 1 Chapter 6: The Emerald Forest. Pyrrha is explaining to Jaune what Aura is, and decides to unlock Jaune’s Aura for him.

They both begin to glow, she places her hands on his chest and face, and she says the following;“For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all. Infinite in distance and unbound by death, I release your soul, and by my shoulder, protect thee.”Afterwards, she states that she “used her Aura to unlock Jaune’s. But, the energy that protects him now is his own.” The key points in that sentence is that Pyrrha used her own Aura to free Jaune’s, thus binding the two together, and the word ‘now’.

That word can be interpreted as ‘currently’, ‘in the present’. However, what is ‘now’ can be altered by unseen events, such as saying “This toy is mine now!”, but then a bully steals it for themselves. In terms of relevance to RWBY, the Aura protecting Jaune is his own until something else happens, that something being Pyrrha’s death.One episode prior to her demise, we see Pyrrha going through the process of receiving the Autumn Maiden’s power through an artificial transfer. However, during the process, Autumn is killed by Cinder, thus interrupting the transfer and taking Autumn’s power for herself.

However, we see Pyrrha receive some of the power, and while the rest of it went to Cinder, she didn’t get all of it. Pyrrha still got some, and Cinder’s power is incomplete.In the Volume 3 finale, Pyrrha is taken down by Cinder, and promptly killed in a way mirroring Autumn. Knowing her power is incomplete, the villainess approaches Pyrrha and places a hand on her head, in an attempt to make herself the last person the girl thinks about. However, she fails, as Pyrrha thinks of Jaune instead.

The Autumn Maiden’s power within the dying Huntress reacts to that inside Cinder, turning the girl bright orange, and she fades away in ashes a similar colour, dispersing the ancient power away from her killer. This magic then finds its way to Jaune, where the Aura of his fallen teammate merges with his own, honouring the oath that she took so early on in the series.Once we enter Volume 4, the absence of Pyrrha is immediately felt. The remaining members of JNPR join Ruby, forming Team RNJR.

Jaune’s weapon has now also been upgraded, his shield now embroidered with Pyrrha’s crown. In Volume 4 Chapter 2: Remembrance, Ruby is woken up by Pyrrha calling Jaune’s name, along with her dying words of “Do you believe in destiny?”.

What’s odd is that Ruby has never heard anything like it before; there hasn’t been a time where Ruby was present to hear her say that, so a dream where she remembers such an event couldn’t happen. She ventures away from the camp to see Jaune training to one of the videos Pyrrha made for him, barely holding back tears as he listens to her explain how he has impacted her life, an important excerpt being, “I want you to know that I’m just happy to be a part of your life. I’ll always be here for you, Jaune.” This could allude to how she understands the full scope of the promise she made in the Emerald Forest, and, with her feelings for him reaching where they were, is now glad, prepared, and willing to protect him as his Aura when she eventually passes; a promise that comes true in the most bitter-sweet way.The reason Ruby hears Pyrrha instead of Jaune is because the fallen Huntress feels that Jaune is unable, or not ready, to listen to her. Jaune believes that he is responsible for her death, that he could’ve and should’ve done something to help her.

Because of this, Pyrrha is hesitant to come forward and speak to Jaune, thus attempting to reach out to him while using Ruby as a conduit. She also shares some of her memories with Ruby in these dreams, such as her final words, and her pleas for Jaune.In the most recent episode released as I type this, Volume 4 Chapter 6: Tipping Point, Team RNJR is attacked by Salem’s minion Tyrian. He attacks Ren and Ruby violently, but stops as he climbs onto Jaune’s shield, staring at the boy wide-eyed. He cocks his head to the side and leans in for a closer look for an unknown reason. This could be Tyrian sensing something about Jaune that is much different than everyone else in RNJR: the presence of another soul’s Aura.Once he begins addressing Team RNJR, Tyrian states, “Who I am matters not to you, or you, or.well, you do interest me,” the final words being directed at a confused Jaune. He himself is unaware of the new presence within him, but the keen senses of Tyrian’s Faunus side hones in on the new sensation, noticing something peculiar about the Hunter, that he harbours two different Aura traces. Pyrrha’s Aura has merged with Jaune’s once she died by using the small amount of Maiden magic that she possessed to complete the process, thus hiding the remainder of its power away from Cinder, and bypassing the transfer rules of the Maidens.It is my belief that this is the reason why Tyrian has such a strange interest in Jaune.

It is because Jaune possesses two different types or Aura; one belonging to him, and the other that belonged to Pyrrha. He also now holds a small portion of the Autumn Maiden’s powers because of the unorthodox process. As the rest of the Volume plays out, I look forward to see the events that unfold, and whether they either support or debunk this theory. It's a good though but your missing something bud as said by qrow and Glenda ' Goodwitch: (back to Pyrrha, explaining it all carefully) At first, the only thing that was certain was that the powers were specifically passed on to young women. But as time went on, it was discovered that the selection process was much more. Intimate.Pyrrha: (concerned). Intimate?Goodwitch: As we understand it now, when a Maiden dies, the one who is in her final thoughts is the first candidate to inherit her power.Qrow: Unless it's a dude or some old hag.

Then the power goes to someone random, and our job gets a lot harder.'

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