Nosgoth Classes

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Reavers were vampires belonging to the clan, characterized by being swift and deadly predators. They fought alongside other against humans in the War for Nosgoth.ProfileReavers are primarily stealth characters, with their movesets primarily geared toward swift and efficient assassinations. The Pounce, similar to the 's pounce, provides an efficient stealth attack that, when properly executed, can isolate a key enemy, and kill it in the process.

The other abilities, with the exception of Sweeping Kick, are suited for evasive maneuvers, such as smoke screens and movespeed augments. As Reavers focus on one on one encounters, Sweeping Kick is their only ability that can stagger many opponents while dealing damage at the same time. This ability does not break the Reaver's momentume, making attack combos more specialized and unique. Another escape ability, the Shadow Step, is very reminiscent of Kain's Mist form.Reavers focus more on up front assassinations, while Deceivers rely more on disrupting enemy coordination and gameplay.Skins. See also. at the (preserved at /).Deceivers Deceivers as they appear in Nosgoth.Deceivers were of the clan that fought in the War for Nosgoth in the mid- seen in Nosgoth. They were known for their striking spindly appearance and abilities to mimic form and temporarily control the minds of opponents.Profile.

Class Variety – choose from two races, each complete with their own unique classes. Players must master both races in order to survive in Nosgoth.

Game: Nosgoth (cancelled game). Race:, clanProfileDeceivers, much like Team Fortress 2's character, revolve around disrupting enemy lines. Their role is to sow chaos in the enemy team, while waiting for the most opportune moment to. 1 of 5strike. This is unlike Reavers, who prefer attacking up close and personal, while being evasive and sneaky at the same time. While Deceivers deal less damage than other vampires, the Backstab ability deals more damage when the target enemy does not face the Deceiver. Coupled with the Disguise ability, they can appear out of thin air, or pose as a decoy to the enemy team, and then strike.

The Dominate Mind ability provides a very precise contribution to the vampires—the Deceiver could dominate the enemy and 'deliver' it to the arms of his allies, or he could just let the human drop on a very high place, ensuring a kill.The Disguise, although very powerful in its own right, has its disadvantages. If the enemy team is well coordinated, they may come upon that an excess ally is a Deceiver.

Another thing is that any actions done will break the Disguise illusion. These factors make Deceiver players do very decisive, sneaky, and critical plays.DevelopmentThe Zephonim were noted to have influenced their evolution through 'ritual self-torture, alchemical engineering and twisted breeding programs'. Skins.

Deceiver's Armor (default). Flayer's Harness. Imperial Guard Vestments. Heretics definition.

Infiltrator's Mantle. Robes of the ManipulatorNotes Gallery. Sentinels appeared as a character class in Nosgoth for the race. They were among the first six classes to be introduced.The Sentinels were affiliated with, and the last survivors of the clan. Persecuted and doomed to after, they fought under and 's command against the in the War for Nosgoth, hoping to restore their pride and their malnourished bodies in battle.Sentinels were particularly unique among the playable combatants of Nosgoth, as they were winged beings: the only characters capable of flight. Described as 'an immensely cool character class' by design director Bill Beacham, Sentinels were difficult to master, but their unrivaled mobility enabled them to perform effectively as scouts, surprise attackers, and skirmishers alike.Profile 'The Sentinels are devolved descendants and represent the last remnants of the once-proud Clan Razielim. Sentinels have developed large wings that allow them limited flight abilities and they use this mobility to scout and strike unsuspecting enemies from above.

Dark and twisted, Sentinels are haters of Humanity.' ― Nosgoth official website. Category:.

Introduced in: Nosgoth (2014). Race::. Subrace/family:. Aliases: 'WingedVampire' (debug name).

Eras: the. Leaders: (emperor), (patriarch), (de facto emperor), Eskandor (sergeant). Affiliation:, the Razielim.

Planes:. Default loadout: Kidnap (special), Wing Flap (primary), Dive Bomb (secondary). Prerequisites:. Appearances: NosgothProfile Fall from graceConcept art of two Sentinel variations, or skins.The Sentinels were vampires of the Razielim clan, descended from their patriarch, the lieutenant – who, in turn, was sired by 's emperor,. Vampires of Kain's heritage were turned from human corpses, and with age, attaining higher forms and new gifts over time.

Raziel and his clan were destined to develop wings as part of these hibernatory adaptations. Eventually, Raziel himself surpassed Kain, growing to become more evolved than any other vampire in the land.This incident provoked dissent among the Razielim elders: while some championed Kain and regarded Raziel's newly fledged wings as a sign of blasphemy, others supported their leader, viewing his metamorphosis as a blessing.

Unmindful of the schism, Raziel presented his wings to Kain, but was condemned. Kain ordered his execution, instructing Raziel's fellow lieutenants, Turel and Dumah, to cast him into the.The Razielim elders anticipated repercussions, and relocated all of their pupating kindred to a secret vault in the mountains east of. After Kain abandoned his empire, the lieutenant, convinced Turel and the to exterminate the Razielim in their master's stead. The last survivorsRearward Sentinel profile, depicting wing details.The five clans bore down on. Those Razielim responsible for caring for their pupating peers in the locked vault were slain in an ambush, all adult and fledgling members of the clan perished at home, and only the winged elders escaped the assault.

They attempted to rendezvous with their underground brethren, but were preempted by Turel's forces, and, soon after they changed course to, the Watchers eliminated them.The Council argued over the division of the spoils, but failed to agree, and a centuries-long Vampire civil war erupted. Meanwhile, the few hundred Razielim secreted away in isolation began to awake, but – deprived of, and unable to escape – they physically degenerated over the decades, manifesting chitinous exoskeletons and leathery wing membranes.Slowly but surely, the devolved, ravenous survivors scratched their way to freedom, and sent a group led by Eskandor to ascertain their whereabouts. They came upon Coorhagen, deserted but apparently massacred by human forces, before pressing on to their home territory.Exhausted beyond measure, and still ignorant of the massacre which had transpired during their absence, the last of the Razielim stumbled upon Dumah and, who occupied the area. Eskandor expressed subservience to Dumah. He informed the lieutenant of the circumstances which befell the Razielim, and of their discovery in the north, before pleading for sustenance.Upstart inheritanceArtwork of the 'classic', or evolved, Sentinel skin.Dumah surmised that the vampire civil war had offered Nosgoth's enslaved human population the chance to plot a powerful uprising.

He was hesitant to slaughter the wretched survivors, believing that they might prove valuable in the effort to subjugate the mortals, and could be disposed of when no longer useful.Dumah privately informed Eskandor of Raziel's death, and of the Razielim purge, but neglected to mention his own role in their sire's execution. He gave Eskandor a chance to show his loyalty, and Eskandor provided evidence of human activity in.The Council met to discuss these findings, and decided to spare the Razielim for use as specialist troops. Agreeing to a truce, the clans moved against the humans to secure western Nosgoth and, and these new soldiers – the Sentinels – played a crucial role in the mission. As the war for Nosgoth progressed, they continued to serve under Dumah and Turel, with Eskandor acting as their sergeant. Receiving the blood they required in battle, the Sentinels' disfigured bodies began to overcome the effects of their devolution, gradually reverting to their natural, evolved forms.FateThough the Sentinels developed fealty to the Council, tension remained, and some discussed the possibility of retribution for past events, should they outlive the war.By the time of, the Sentinels had vanished. Raziel found no trace of his descendants on his travels, and their territory lay desolate.