Bakery Story Appliances List

Bakery Story Appliances List Rating: 4,5/5 5669 votes

Note that the Help/FAQ section off the main menu in the game answers a number of common queries. Here you will find some further questions answered.Can I transfer my game to another device?Yes. A step-by-step guide of how to do so can be found. Note that this method will result in all your Storm8 games being transferred, although they can be transferred back by the same method.Can I change my Storm8 ID?Yes. To do so, email giving your current Storm8 ID, at least three different names you would like as your new Storm8 ID, and a suitable reason for the change.Can I restart my game from the start?No.

At present, the only way to start over is via a new account, which can only be done via another device.When does the game reset for a new day?At midnight Pacific Standard Time (PST). To convert this for your timezone, you can go.What is the maximum number of appliance slots?There is no limit, although you can only unlock 18 appliance slots without spending gems.

The 18th appliance is unlocked at level 73. After this point, you can choose to add extra slots for 49 gems each.At which levels do new appliance slots unlock?To start the game, you are given 2 slots.

Then the number of slots increases in increments of four, then five, and repeated. So in full:SlotnumberLevelunlocked681873How do I build constructible appliances?Tap on the box of parts which appears after purchasing the appliance, and you will see a window containing the requirements for building the appliance.

Bakery Story. #1 Bakery game on iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Android devices, and the Kindle Fire! Appliances: Max: 18 slots at lv 73. 24G to unlock extra. In Bakery Story, you start with 2 free appliance slots. You unlock the third at level 5 and then every fifth and fourth level, alternating. At level 73, you will open up the 18th slot, which is max number of appliance slots you get for free.

Tap 'Ask Friends' to request parts from neighbours, or use gems instead (note that the number of gems shown is for ONE part - not to buy up to the required number of parts). Any parts you already have are automatically included in the count.What recipes are available on each appliance?There are too many to list here, but feel free to visit the excellent which has a full list of recipes, both past and present.What parts are required for each constructible appliance?Again, there are too many appliances to list them all here, but has a superb table with all the details for past and present appliances.What is an Easy appliance?These are enhanced versions of the Basic Ovens, Stoves and Grills. The enhancement is that they do not require any tapping to prepare food prior to cooking, and only one tap to serve after cooking.What is a Forever appliance?These are enhanced versions of the Basic Ovens, Stoves and Grills. The enhancement is that food cooked on them is never spoilt.What is a Sonic appliance?These are enhanced versions of the Basic Ovens, Stoves and Grills. The enhancement is that food takes 20% less time to cook.

For example, a 1 day recipe will take only 17 hrs, 36 mins to cook (remember that 1 day recipes normally take 22 hrs to cook).What does it mean to 'master' a recipe?This means cooking a recipe repeatedly to fill up the meter along the bottom of the dish in the recipe book. The number of times a dish needs to be cooked to master at each level and the rewards for doing so are as follows:MasteryLevelNumberof DishesReward182,000 coins and 20 XP2231 gem and 50 XP3434,000 coins and 100 XP4831 gem and 200 XPHow do I unlock Apple Cider on the Drinks Machine?You can't. This recipe was part of the Christmas goals in 2011, and if you didn't unlock it by completing them at the time, then you can never unlock it. The same applies to other goal items such as Holiday Ham, and also many recipes which have been removed altogether such as Pumpkin Porridge and Christmas Pear Torte.How do I move the door?There must always be a door placed in your restaurant, so to move it you need to buy another door for 10 gems in the Wall Decorations tab. Then place it wherever you want to and store the other door.How do I delete wallpapers and floor tiles I had previously purchased?Unfortunately you cannot.

You can only place different wallpapers or floor tiles over the existing ones, which will result in the originals being transferred into storage.What are the Boxes in the last tab?These are a lottery. For 24 gems you get a 'lucky dip' into the box and will be given an item at random. However some items are more common than others. I strongly urge you to take a look at the contents of the boxes before parting with any gems by visiting the.If I have enough coins or gems, can I skip an expansion and move directly to the next one?No. You must apply every expansion in order.How do I get the flowers needed to complete the Floral Bouquet in the Collectibles section?Each of the flowers appears when you buy wallpapers and walldecorations.

However they are very rare to come. I can only suggestbuying a lot of wallpaper and clocks!Why are there no more goals?Goals are released only occasionally, and not according to any timeframe. Their release is usually related to the time of year (eg. Christmas, Valentine's Day, Summer). If any are currently active, they will be listed on the right side of this page.Why are some of my neighbours' requests only appearing to me 2 days after they were made?This is due to your neighbour. Players can only make 20 gift requests per day, so if they make more, then those not accepted first are carried over to the next day.

If they make more than 40 requests, those not responded to are carried over to a third day, and so on.How do I use pictures in messages to neighbours?To do this you need to download a program outwith Restaurant Story (or TeamLava). The most commonly used app for this is called Emoji and can be found (UK app store). I see your explanation on the gifting. Does Food apply to the 20 threshold? I am being told by my neighbors that my gifts are full and they are not going through. But I keep receiving gifts for food.

I decline the food gifts in hopes that the 'slot' (of the 20 threshold) will be reopened. But I still hear from them saying it still wont go through? What gives on this? If the food is not affected by the 20 threshold then I will keep accepting it.

It seems I've turned away good gifts for nothing?? Thanks again! For any insight! I have a technical question you may know the answer to; I have transferred someone else's Storm8 games from one iPad to another before, so I understand that process, however I currently play RS on my iPad and I own an android phone.I currently have RS installed on my phone with another Storm8 account, and I see that I can sign in to my android phone as my iPad ID name to play my main game on my phone. But it uses the word 'transfer' - 'would you like to transfer all your Storm8 games to this device?' My question is that if I sign in on my phone, will that allow me to continue to play on my iPad, and therefore play the same account on both iPad and android phone?I'm hesitant to try as I really don't want to mess anything up.

Can you provide any advice? From my experience you can definitely play simultaneously on two Apple devices (although need to be careful about syncing) but I'm not too clued up on Android so can't offer any insight there.I wasn't actually sure that Android had the in-game transfer option at all! Obviously simultaneous play between Apple and Android devices could spark issues when there is a separate, later release for Android as we saw this past week.My best advice is to contact TeamLava via Do share any response!:).

To keep you updated on this issue; I did go ahead and sign in on my Android phone. And for interest's sake I'll let you know how it went;As you mentioned, there are some sync issues.

The worst of these is when you have them both open at the same time, or go from one to the other with not much of a time pause in between (I assume this is much the same with two iOS devices also). Thanks for the update. I've had serious syncing issues with other games (not TeamLava) in the past when not leaving much time between plays on different devices, so am well accustomed to taking care on this front. Sometimes force closing the app when you finish playing (not sure if this is possible on Android) can help prevent syncing issues.The past goal pop-ups are something I've read of on the TL Forum but had no idea what they were. Now it all makes sense - it's an Android problem only.

I am trying to eat low fat as well. I substitute it in recipes calling for mayo, sour cream, buttermilk, anything creamy. Forager project indio ca.

And a very annoying one by the sounds of it. I believe TL have been informed of this, but am not sure they consider it a problem.;)With regards to the extra gems, were they for games you'd already downloaded (and thus got bonus gems previously) or for new ones? I ask because when you transfer over, all your TeamLava data goes with you, which is why I've not had such luck.:). The following is specific to Android users. When you download a special edition of a TeamLava game (at least with the Story games) the content specific to that edition is effectively transferred into your account. You can then use any edition of the game and that content should be in there.If you're on iOS then things are a little more complicated.

However there hasn't been a new edition on iOS for a long time (the Christmas version released this week is a glitch - it's actually just a update to the regular edition, not a new app).:). Can you please help. I have had alot of technical issues with restaurant story lately,and i have emailed teamlava 3 times.when i was on level 34 i went in appliances and it took 49 gems of mine,which i didn't need another stove.oven.grill.etc.because im doing the chili almost on level 37 now which i know i can get another appliance,i dont know what to do as theu have not got back to me.just a general email saying there experiencing high volume of has been 6days.sent them you have another suggestion?

I have hsd other issues but its a came anf coins i vsn earn back.i had to buy these gems, so yea i have an issue with that. Emailing TeamLava is the only way to try and recoup those lost gems, although they don't tend to be too generous with refunding for accidental gem buys. I hope you made a point of stating that you purchased the gems with real money - you never know but this could tip the balance! And I have read of players getting the gems back when it's the first time they've accidentally spent gems, so there's is a little hope.Ultimately you just need to wait. At times TeamLava can be rather slow with their responses to emails, so just hold on in there and they should respond eventually.:). I have two things to ask regarding crates/chest.1) Will I get a new item each time I open a particular crate? Or is it possible that the same item might be repeated?2) I see that a few items are available outside the crate for fewer gems.

Like the picnic crate for example. The picnic basket is available for 15 gems. So the same item might be opened in the crate even if I buy it outside of the crate right?I'm sorry if you've been asked the same questions already but it would be great if you could help. I would expect support to get back to you eventually but there is a possible process you could undertake in the meantime. I don't know if your sister has an account on the Storm8 Forum, but if she does you can use her email to send a password reset request via this link:not then it looks like you'll have to sit tight! You could always try sending a PM to KookyPanda over on the Forum (she is the forum moderator) and she may be able to fast-track your ticket. Otherwise just be patient!:).

Thank you!Having 10 million coins is very nice! At the end of the day it's the expansions which are the really expensive buy in the game, so I wouldn't worry about the costs of other items such as counters. They can only really make a dent in a 10 million budget.I would certainly be looking at making the 1 million coin expansion given your current balance. I can't be sure but I think the next one after that is 2.5 million? I'd probably go for that as well!

As long as you ensure something like 2-3 million coins in reserve you should be covered for all eventualities (eg. An expensive update or goal set).:). I'm sorry if this long and confusing.

I started playing RS a few years back. I was level 70. I played that and bakery story and fashion story on the iPad and my android phone. Then one day.

I logged in on my phone and restaurant story had started back at the beginning. But it was fine on my iPad. So I just kept playing it on there, and uninstalled it from my phone. Then 2 days ago, the iPad updated. And I found that too was back at the beginning. It appears from what I can find on line groups etc, I never opened it on Facebook before the update. So I may have lost it all I was level 70 something and had spent real money on it.

It didn't seem to matter what I did. I couldn't get it back.

So I just installed it on my phone. It's a different one again. Right back at the beginning, so I can't get my original restaurant back, or the new iPad version back.Bakery story and fashion story are completely fine and dandy on both devices.Can you help? S8 have not replied to my messages:( or emails:(. You're not alone with this problem, and the most important thing to note is that your game has not been lost - your progress is saved on Storm8's servers. It's just a case of finding a way to get it back.First port of call is the Game Center. Try logging out of it (go to Settings Game Center).

Then ensuring the game has been force closed (double tap home button and scroll RS away), log back into the Game Center. If you're lucky your original game will be waiting for you.If this doesn't work, try playing the fresh level 1 game. I actually went through a very similar situation with BS2 earlier this week, and when I levelled up to level 2 the game refreshed and loaded up my original account. So definitely give that a go.If that is unsuccessful then there's not a lot more I can say.

Usually I suggest that players get in touch with Storm8's support team, but you've already done that and like you I've had limited success in the past with even getting a response out of them.This bug is a real mess and seems to have affected a lot of players big time. Hope you get it sorted one way or another!:).

Until the account transfer feature was added to the game (it has since been removed) setting a password was only necessary for accessing the Storm8 Forum. So chances are your husband's account hasn't vanished to the nothingness because of the lack of a password!As for getting it back, is his phone running iOS? If so it may be possible that he can log in via the Game Center if he had linked his game up with it. Otherwise you're best to just keep trying to get in touch with Storm8 - they aren't the best at responding so just keep at them and hopefully they'll offer some support.:). A Sonic Grill will reduce the cook time of recipes on it by two hours. Personally I don't see this as being of much use - unless you were to purchase an entire bank of Sonic Grills then you won't get the full effect of the shorter cook time.I'm not sure what size your restaurant is, but expanding using gems is certainly something plenty of players do. However I'd recommend waiting until you reach some of the later expansions where the cost in coins in astronomical - for example my next expansion is 26x29 and requires 22.5 million coins!At the end of the day it's really your choice.

Personally I only spend my gems on decor as expanding with coins is always going to be an option, even if the sums needed can be daunting!:). Did you set up a Storm8 ID and password on your old account? If so your progress will have been saved to Storm8's server so will certainly still exist.These days, at least on iOS, your account is linked to Game Center so if you are using the same Apple ID as before you should be able to access your game so long as you are logged into Game Center.

A Storm8 ID might not even be necessary for this.If you have any issues it would be best to submit a support form to Storm8 at you get your old game back!:).

Are you one of those gamers who loves baking and wants to have your own bakery in the future? Or are you someone who’s just looking for an immersive casual game that you can play in the comfort of your PC? If yes, then stay a bit and read thru the game featured on this page. Bakery Story is crafted by the veteran video game simulator developer, Storm8 Studios. It is the perfect casual simulation game to live out your bakery dreams just like the millions of players all over the planet.

Bakery story appliance parts

Create the bakery of your dreams through tons of customization items, appliances and a vast selection of recipes. All at the tip of your fingertips. Share with your friends, invite family members, and click on the download button on your screen. Create your very own Bakery Story goals today! Get ready and try the game that started it all even before Bakery Story 2.

Bakery Story Game Features

Like most casual video game titles, Bakery Story comes with a lot of features and activities that will keep you engaged for hours. Adding to the excitement is the unique gameplay mechanics. This enables you to gift, trade/exchange, and visit nearby bakeries or anywhere else in the world. Even better is the frequent delivery of updates to bring you those much-anticipated Seasonal Events. Want to know more? Check out some of the notable features found in the game through our short overview below.

Total Control

Having total control of all the activities and decisions surrounding your bakery is part of what makes Bakery Story more of a personal quest than a game. Just like most management-inspired titles, this game only provides the necessary tools and items to help you weave your very own story. In other words, if you are looking for the perfect platform to show-off and exercise your skills and creativity, then look no further than Bakery Story.

Bakery Story is a Rewarding Experience

Bakery Story follows the same principles seen in most management titles in terms of rewards. Each goal comes with a designated reward. Since each goal is optional, you have the choice to resolve them at any time you like. However, if you want access to a decent amount of coins, then the goals menu should be one of your priorities.

A Social Media Treat

What better way to promote or show off your creation than by sharing it with your peers and family! This is why the social media structure seen in Bakery Story is a feature worth noting. Since Storm8 Studios was able to make this feature even more interactive by integrating other features. These allow players to engage in activities like exchanging recipes, visiting other bakeries, sending gifts among others.

Bakery Story Forum, Free Tips, Tricks, and Updates

Bakery Story at first glance may look like your typical casual management game. However, there is much more to this title than meets the eye. The truth of the matter is that this game may even be more challenging and tricky than most titles out there. In relation to that, we prepared some tips to help you get through the first part of the game.

Aesthetics Comes Last

During the early parts of the game, your goal is to collect as many coins and diamonds as possible. To do this, you must first make sure that your Bakery is in order to generate coins. There may be instances that you will be required to purchase decorations to complete a certain goal. You must keep in mind to purchase the cheapest decoration items and furniture to save coins. In other words, always make sure that you are earning more than what you are spending, just like in real life.

Productivity is the Key in Bakery Story

Another useful tip that you should consider when playing Bakery Story is to ensure that there is always something brewing and baking in your oven and kitchen. You see, bakeries in Bakery Story does not close and customers are always flowing. As an entrepreneur, you should take advantage of this occurrence by ensuring that your pantry is always packed.

And hey, your options don’t end here. Feel free to check other Cooking Games like Cafeland – World Kitchen and Cooking Fever, just to name a few.

Get ready to bake until you drop in Bakery Story! Download and play the game online for free!

Get ready to play!

Follow these easy steps to complete
your Bakery Story™ installation.

Click the downloaded file at the bottom of your screen.
Click 'Yes' on the system dialog window to start of your game installation.
Once download is completed, the game will start automatically.
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